Buckhead Theatre
Saturday February 11, 2017
Doors 7:30 pm / Show 8:30 pm / All Ages
$27 General Admission
Los Angeles, CA (December 5th, 2016) – With just seven weeks to go before the much-anticipated January 20th release of AFI (The Blood Album), AFI is giving fans another special preview with “Aurelia,” the third track revealed from the upcoming album. Click HERE to listen.
“Aurelia,” along with previously released songs “Snow Cats” and “White Offerings,” are all available as instant downloads when pre-ordering AFI (The Blood Album) on iTunes or Amazon.
The multi-platinum-selling AFI (vocalist Davey Havok, guitarist Jade Puget, bassist Hunter Burgan and drummer Adam Carson) will be performing select tracks from the new album on their headlining tour of North America, which kicks off on album release day with a sold-out show at the Troubadour in Los Angeles (see itinerary below). For ticket info, please visit the band’s official site,
AFI (The Blood Album) is the band’s 10th full-length studio album, first for Concord Records, and first to be produced by guitarist Jade Puget, and co-produced by Matt Hyde (Deftones).
“It was a major evolution for me to step up into a producer role on this album, something that’s been germinating for a while,” says Puget. “It’s daunting to spend a year grinding it out in the writing room with Davey and then turn around and produce what you’ve just written, but it was liberating in an artistic sense to guide the album from gestation to final product.” As for working with Matt Hyde, Puget says, “Matt and I gelled really well and our approaches on recording dovetailed. He’s a great producer and was open to doing things differently than he normally would with no ego. For instance, I engineered, tracked, and produced all the vocals with just Davey and I in the room while we were tracking drums, which is an odd but very efficient way to make a record, and he was totally open to that. He was a great co-producer.”
The creative process saw the band crafting a plethora of material—60 songs according to vocalist Davey Havok. “Historically, we always write far beyond an album’s worth of material,” he says. “The process of culling down approximately 60 songs to fourteen is difficult. But when we create, we do so with an honesty and a hope to satisfy our artistic needs. We were raised on albums, which had far greater impact on us than singles alone. I believe that there are still a select group who look for that same deeper musical experience that we grew up on. Our records are for those music fans.”
AFI (The Blood Album) is the follow-up to 2013’s Burials, which hit Top 10 on The Billboard 200. Since the release of 1995’s debut album Answer That and Stay Fashionable, AFI has written and recorded five top ten hit singles, hit No. 1 on The Billboard 200 (with the stunning Decemberunderground), garnered worldwide critical acclaim and amassed a fiercely loyal global following whose members number in the millions.
“When we first started the band I didn’t expect to be able to play one show, much less thousands,” says drummer Adam Carson. “I certainly didn’t expect to be releasing our tenth full-length album 20-something years later. There was a point early on, however, when we decided that in order to truly make the band work we had to completely commit to it. So while it’s surreal to still be at 25 years in, it also seems completely normal.”
“Our music has changed considerably since our first album together, but so have we,” adds bassist Hunter Burgan. “Even though it can be challenging, we always strive to push ourselves and create songs that are an authentic expression for that moment in time. AFI (The Blood Album) is no exception. Even on our tenth full-length album, we found new musical territory to explore and new ways to communicate familiar ideas.